It’s been proven that taking care of your pet’s teeth and gums will help them live longer. At every visit, our veterinarians will examine your pet’s teeth and propose regular cleanings as part of the dental treatment required to maintain your pet’s health.

A large portion of dental disease occurs below the gum line, where we can’t see. A dental cleaning under anesthesia, when every tooth can be assessed and the best treatment plan can be initiated, is sometimes the best thing for your pet.

Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Many pets require cleaning once a year, but we make recommendations based on the specific needs of each pet. Our veterinarians go over which procedures will benefit your pet and why with you. Before we begin, you will be provided all of the necessary information as well as a detailed treatment plan.

We recommend brushing your pet’s teeth at home in addition to regular dental cleanings by the professionals at Western Shore Veterinary Hospital. We can also recommend specific foods and treats for your pet if necessary. They are not a substitute for professional cleanings, but they can be an important component of your pet’s routine dental care.

Not every pet will allow you to brush their teeth at home. Thankfully, there are a plethora of dental diets and dental treats designed to promote dental health. They range from water additives to rawhide-like goodies to Milkbone and Greenies chewy bones. Our staff can help make a recommendation tailored to your pet’s needs.